Multi-award-winning recruitment for the education sector.

Browse hundreds of jobs and hire qualified professionals in teaching and education.

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Calling all Educational Psychologists

We have remote and onsite opportunities across the UK with fantastic pay rates and perks. If you are a qualified and experienced educational psychologist, we would love to hear from you!

Talented, motivated and happy staff in Education means a brighter future for us all

Working with wonderful schools, colleges, universities, charities and local authorities across the UK, we are proud of our ability to find the perfect people to inspire the next generation. With hundreds of available teaching and support jobs, and a vast network of qualified professionals in education, our team is ready to help.

Local Authorities
Major Charities
Talented People

Find your next career in education, fast

Working with employers across the UK, we can find temporary, permanent and supply jobs in your area.

Browse and apply for hundreds of Healthcare jobs
Earn more with exclusive Healthcare pay rates
Receive multi-award-winning candidate support
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Find the best tutors, teachers and educators in your area

Instantly connect with thousands of available professionals in education and boost your applications with all-inclusive access to every major job board.

Connect with talented and available Healthcare professionals
Boost your applications with access to every major job board
Recruit faster with effortless payroll and compliance systems
Get award-winning support throughout your recruitment project

Trusted by schools, colleges, and local authorities nationwide.


The UK's highest
 rated Education agency.

24 major awards and counting…

“We know how important it is to find the perfect fit between employers and professionals in education. From teachers and tutors to lecturers and educational psychologists, we have over a decade of experience to do exactly that. If you’re looking for talented staff or a career in education you can be proud of, don’t hesitate to get in touch.”

Sam Boggis

Sam Boggis
Education Consultant

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Our most popular positions are teaching jobs and educational psychologist jobs, however, we have access to over one hundred different roles in education. If you don’t find the role you want, just get in touch and we can start a bespoke search.

We primarily offer temporary and supply jobs in education, but we can seamlessly connect you to permanent roles too.

For candidates, the recruitment process is free. Occasionally, you may have to pay for additional training and compliance, but this will always be clearly communicated, and you will never pay anything you haven’t agreed to.

If you are in a permanent position within education, you will be paid directly by your employer (usually monthly). If you are working in a temporary or supply role, you will be paid via your umbrella company or Ltd company, depending on which one you choose.

It’s up to you to choose an umbrella company, but we always recommend choosing an FCSA certified company. FCSA certification confirms an umbrella company adheres to rigorous standards and compliance regarding legalities, financial transparency, and ethical operations.

Our most regular placements are for teachers and educational psychologists, but our vast network of professionals and instant access to major job boards means we can help you with any staffing requirement within education.

With offices across the UK, we can recruit education staff nationwide. We also supply remote staff if your vacancy is flexible.

The cost of recruitment is completely dependent on the nature of your role/s, but you will only ever pay the rate you have agreed with your consultant. For temporary staff, you will be charged for every hour the candidate works, and for permanent staff, you will be charged a percentage of their annual salary.

How long it takes to find the perfect candidate depends on many factors (location, salary, job title etc.), so we cannot guarantee recruitment times. However, we are the UK’s highest-rated teaching and education agency for a reason, and our network of 80k+ candidates gives you the best chance of finding staff exactly when you need them.

In the unlikely event that one of our candidates isn’t a great fit for your team, rebate policies are included in the client terms & conditions for you to review before the recruitment starts, giving you financial and logistical peace of mind.

Powered by multi-award-winning rec-tech, your dedicated education consultant will be on-hand to help throughout the recruitment cycle, including first-class support with candidate generation, compliance, payroll, and post-placement support.