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Submit Your Questions for Ben Gummer MP

We’re very pleased to announce that MP for Ipswich and Under-Secretary of State for Health, Ben Gummer, will be visiting the Seven office on Friday 20th May.

As one of the region’s leading locum recruitment agencies, we thought we’d invite Mr Gummer in to see first-hand the opportunities we’re offering to talented, young sales people and apprentices looking for a career in the recruitment industry.

I’m sure the team will be very motivated and inspired by Ben’s visit and his show of support will have a positive impact on Seven’s ability to attract new talent from Ipswich and the surrounding area.

As well as discussing our success and investment in the people of Suffolk, we’d like to learn more about Ben’s vision for Ipswich and get his opinion on the challenges currently facing our specialist sectors, particularly nursing, health and social care. We will, of course, share these thoughts with you in a post-visit blog.

We’d also like to invite you to submit your questions for Ben, which our director, Richard Cooke, will ask during the visit. Ben’s only with us for an hour though, so let’s not get too carried away!

Obviously, we can’t invite Mr Gummer in then sandbag him with anything too vitriolic, so let’s keep it constructive. Having said that, the situation with junior doctors, and the NHS in general, is nothing if not contentious, so we’re not afraid to ask some difficult questions. I’m sure Ben will welcome the debate!

We’re all looking forward to meeting Ben next month – hopefully we’ll have some silverware to show off following the Recruiter Awards on 4th May. Did we mention we’re finalists for 2 of the most prestigious awards in recruitment – Recruitment Leader and Agency of the Year?

If you’d like to submit a question for Ben, please add it to the comments section below. Alternatively, you can post it on one of our social media channels or email it to We look forward to hearing from you!

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